Nine Do It Yourself Experiments that will GROW YOUR MIND

Every now and then, a book comes into your life… and changes EVERYTHING.

Have you ever been called by a book?  That’s what happened to me recently when Pam Grout’s book E-Squared made it’s way into my awareness.  And the call was so strong it could not be ignored.

I was out of town doing a workshop and the desire to have the book became so strong, I began calling bookstores in surrounding areas.  A Barnes & Noble 30 miles away had one copy!  I was thrilled…  and then they told me “Oh I’m sorry, were saving for another customer”, it couldn’t be touched and it was on hold for another 3 Days!

I HAD TO HAVE THAT BOOK!     e-squared-smaller

I waited a bit… and then I heard… “Let the manager handle it”.

So I called the bookstore back, asked for a manager, and she not only handled it, but she did it with such a wonderful attitude!  She called me back to let me know she had called the “hold” customer who was local, explained that I was from out of town and I could feel her smiling when she said the book was mine and I could pick it up at the register.

I fell asleep reading it, and when I woke up, my first thought wasn’t “Where’s the coffee?”  it was “Where’s the Book?”.  Yeah… it’s powerful.

My son and I did the first experiment at the same time, and both received blessings within hours.  He called me to tell me about his, minutes after I received mine.  It was AMAZING!  We were giggling and laughing and excited to do it again… and that is a moment I will remember for the rest of my life.

Both of my sons now each have their own copy, and it will be the gift I give to everyone I love from now on.

The Nine Experiments in this book, will shift your perception, expand your awareness and grow your mind in ways you never thought possible.  I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you get your own copy, and start performing miracles in your own life.  You’ll be glad you did.


When I began reading the book, I knew instantly I wanted to have Pam as my special guest on an episode of LeadingEdge Talk…. so…. I set my intention with the FP and…

SHAZAM!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to my interview with Pam Grout

The experiments in E-Squared will boost your confidence and help you remember what life is about.  If you don’t have a copy yet I highly recommend you get it.  Whether you go to the library, go to the closest bookstore or order it here online… Just Do It.


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