In every moment there is a fork in the road, and only you get to decide which path to follow.

Yeah… you’re powerful like that.

It’s a time of awakening and a powerful shift is taking place. Right here. Right now.

A shift that is creating ripples of awareness as more and more people become aware of their ability to feel on purpose and step into their own personal power.

As you travel your own journey of self discovery, it helps to remember you have power in every moment with your simple ability to DECIDE how you FEEL.

You get to CHOOSE.

Bad things are happening no doubt about it, at times it seems the world has gone crazy.

The thing is—most people allow this point of focus to determine how they feel, instead of deciding for themselves.

And before you get all in your feels about what I just said—REMEMBER

GOOD things are happening too! EVERY DAY! All over the place! For all kinds of people. Even you.

Allow THIS to be your point of focus, and by doing so, you leverage your own energy—you tune your vibration station to the frequency of better feeling thoughts—and as you build momentum, the energy of better feeling thoughts will attract better feeling experiences.

(tuning your vibration station may take some practice, but I promise you, it’s worth it).

The more you practice, the better you get, and the better you get the better you will begin to feel.

You’ll begin to feel more confidence.

More clarity.

More joy.

You’ll start laughing more and having more fun.

And it will be your doing.

Because you’re powerful like that.


Life tries to convince you that you have no power, and for a long time I believed that. Somewhere at some point in my past I decided to believe that I wasn’t worthy of a good feeling life. I believed I wasn’t good enough to have the kind of life I really wanted.

Changing that belief was my first step in taking back my power and owning my own magic that was within me all along. (It’s within you too).

I invite you to take the journey back to self and discover the power of YOU.


You are divine by design and when it comes to creating, you are more powerful than you think.

Stephanie Kathan is an Energetic Reset specialist and through her private energy practice, helps creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs tune their vibration station to the frequency of their goals.

If you would like to learn more about tuning your vibration station, CLICK HERE to schedule a free consult. Let’s talk.

And for those who are ready to release resistance and tune your vibration station to the frequency of your goals, I’ve created limited openings for Energetic Reset Single Sessions.

Ready to become a private client? We look forward to working with you.

Check out our reviews here.

Use the form below to schedule an energetic reset session with Stephanie.

Are you ignoring your inner being?

The Universe is always talking to you, constantly leaving divine messages for you to discover, as you travel moment by moment throughout your day. Are You Listening? Are you paying attention to the coincidences and synchronicities that are taking place in your life?

That voice you’ve been ignoring, could be your inner being with a divine message for you!

As Humans, we tend to get easily caught up in noticing all the things that are going wrong in the world, we spend a lot of time blaming & complaining, constantly pushing against all the things we hate, and when we give all of our focus and attention to that stuff…

We miss out on the really good stuff.

Your Inner Being is constantly expressing a divine frequency of Love that is available to you, anytime you want to tune in. Guidance is available to you 24/7, you even have an Inner GPS to assist you with navigating through the life experience.

All you have to do to get access to these divine messages is ASK.

Ask to see the situation through the eyes of your inner being. Ask to become more Aware of the divine messages the Universe is delivering to you. Ask questions that you want to know the answer to, and open your mind to the divine downloads you will receive.

It’s time to STOP Ignoring and START Embracing.

Sit down and have a conversation with yourself. You might just be surprised AND delighted, by what you learn about You!

You’re more powerful than you think! ✨

AND you have divine support beyond what you can imagine. Embrace the possibilities, tune your vibration station and own your magic.

-Stephanie Kathan

Stephanie Kathan is an Energetic Reset Specialist and owns a private practice in Vermont where she has been teaching the art of tuning your vibration station to clients around the world since 2010.

Releasing Stress using the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a powerful principle that states that our thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on the events and circumstances that we experience in our lives. By harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction, we can release stress and raise our vibration, leading to a more positive and fulfilling life.

Here are some tips for using the Law of Attraction to release stress and raise your vibration:

1. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful way to raise your vibration and attract more positive experiences into your life. Take time each day to focus on the things in your life that you’re grateful for, whether it’s a loving family, good health, a fulfilling job, or a beautiful sunset. By cultivating gratitude, you’ll begin to attract more positive experiences into your life.

2. Visualize a Positive Outcome.

Visualization is a powerful tool for releasing stress and attracting positive experiences into your life. Spend time each day visualizing a positive outcome for a situation that is causing you stress. Imagine yourself feeling calm and confident as you handle the situation with ease. By visualizing a positive outcome, you’ll begin to attract the resources and support you need to make it a reality.

3. Focus on the Positive

When we’re stressed, it’s easy to get caught up in negative thinking patterns. However, by focusing on the positive, we can release stress and raise our vibration. Make a conscious effort to focus on the things in your life that are going well, rather than dwelling on the things that are causing you stress. By shifting your focus to the positive, you’ll begin to attract more positive experiences into your life.

  1. Take Inspired Action

The Law of Attraction is not just about positive thinking; it’s also about taking inspired action towards your goals. When you’re feeling stressed, take some time to think about the actions you can take to move towards a positive outcome. By taking inspired action, you’ll begin to attract the resources and support you need to achieve your goals.

  1. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is an important part of releasing stress and raising your vibration. Take time each day to do something that nourishes your body, mind, or spirit, whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, practicing yoga, or reading a good book. By practicing self-care, you’ll be better equipped to handle stress and attract more positive experiences into your life.

Simply stated the Law of Attraction is a powerful tool when it comes to releasing stress and raising your vibration—AND when you ALLOW your energy to work WITH you —you get results, and most importantly you feel better.

By practicing gratitude, visualization, positive thinking, taking inspired action, and practicing self-care, you can attract more positive experiences into your life and create the life you desire. Remember, your thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on your reality, so choose them wisely!

If you would like individual energetic support tuning your vibration station reach out to me—send me an email, direct message, or you can book a free energetic assessment call to receive an energy reading, intuitive guidance on your next steps, AND an energetic reset strategy you can begin using right away to tune your vibe to the frequency of more FUN, more JOY, and more EASE immediately.

You CAN do this. You’re powerful like that. ✨

by Stephanie Kathan

Stephanie Kathan is an Energetic Reset Specialist and owns a private practice in Vermont where she has been teaching the art of tuning your vibration station to clients around the world since 2010.

Finding Your IT Factor

We travel through life searching for “IT” We know “IT” exists, we think we should have “IT” in our lives, and we want “IT” now… and question Why do some people have “IT” and other’s don’t?” The problem is; we don’t really know what “IT” is, therefore we continue to look outside of ourselves to find “IT”.

Every once in a while we feel so good in our skin and think– Is this IT? And then our focus shifts into fear and once again we go in search of something on the outside to make us feel good again.

The IT factor you are looking for is energetic alignment— AND life doesn’t have to be perfect in order to experience it.

Those moments when you find yourself in a state of joy for no particular reason– you’re feeling IT.. When you are appreciating you are feeling IT. When you are loving, you are feeling IT.

Your “IT” factor is alignment with the fullest version of YOU and it feels good.

Humans have been conditioned through life to pay more attention to what is going wrong than what is going right, blaming, shaming, condemning and judging, resulting in a mindset of lack, fear and at times despair. The good news is YOU have the power to condition your own mind and control your own emotions, AND your ability to do so does not depend on anyone else other than YOU.

The next time you find yourself feeling good in your skin NOTICE IT. Acknowledge IT. Stay tuned to that vibration station as long as you can. And then do it again the next time, and the time after that, and what will happen is your vibration station will get “set” to this new default station.

The more you practice tuning your vibration station the easier it becomes, and soon that IT factor feeling (alignment with the fullest version of YOU) becomes the dominant vibe you are broadcasting.

Energetic Alignment is indeed the IT factor that changes lives and the really great news is that it’s a frequency that is ready and available for you to tune in to.

I used to have a huge to do list everyday, which at some times would overwhelm me just looking at it. One day I heard myself say “When you give up the struggle for control, you give up the struggle.” WOW! I stopped trying to control the uncontrollable and focused all of my attention on the only thing I could control… ME. Now there’s only one thing on my list everyday– ALIGN; because I know that when I’m energetically aligned with who I REALLY am, everything else just falls into place.

“One who is in alignment is more powerful than millions who are not” – Abraham-Hicks

I invite you to give yourself some proof of your abilities. Over the next day or two, put ALIGNMENT on the top of your To Do list, and experience some of your divine magic for yourself.

With the power of your FOCUS (one of your divine superpowers) you have the ability to create a life you feel good in, and YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD!

Decide you want IT. Claim IT as yours and then ALIGN with that DECISION (another one of your divine superpowers) by seeing yourself BEING your fullest self in your minds eye.

Everyone has the ability to access the IT factor of alignment within themselves, but few take the time to do it, and then complain about all the stuff that prevents their success in achieving IT. They practice broadcasting a frequency that doesn’t serve them. The good news is YOU don’t have to! Practice broadcasting a feel good vibe and watch what happens!

If your life is not pleasing you in this moment know this– It doesn’t have to stay that way AND you can start turning things around right NOW by simply finding something to feel good about. When you make the DECISION to make the way you FEEL more important than anything else, you will discover the true IT FACTOR you have been searching for. You CAN do this. I believe in you.

You’re more powerful than you think. ✨

Would you like some energetic reset support with tuning your vibration station?

Stephanie Kathan is an internationally known energetic reset specialist and has been working with creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs in her private practice since 2012.

See what others are saying about working with Stephanie and book your energetic reset session today!

How ONE Decision Changed EVERYTHING

I remember this day so clearly. The day that everything changed.

Standing in line in front of Jack Canfield after attending my first Success Principles Workshop, waiting to get my book signed– a hot mess doesn’t even begin to describe who I was in that moment. I had saved every penny and even used some of my rent money to attend Jack’s event after reading his book The Success Principles. Praying for some sort of miracle to help me change my life that had become a pit of despair. I remember standing in front of him, with tears streaming down my face, and saying to him “Jack, I don’t know how to be successful, but I do know that I can’t go back to that life.” — and his response was… “Then Don’t!”


He went on to explain to me (even though there was a line of people behind me) that I didn’t have to go back to a life of despair, I could CHOOSE to Think, Feel, and Act differently, and all that was required for this was to make a DECISION. And that he believed in my ability to change my life.

In that moment I was struck by the simplicity of it. How could this be true? Have I had this power all along? So many thoughts were running through my mind on the drive back to Vermont. And then something else happened– I made the decision to BELIEVE. Believe that more was possible for me. Believe that I had the power to change my life. Believe that I was worthy of the life I so desperately wanted. A life that felt good instead of a life of despair.

THAT decision changed everything for me.

I realized how many things I had decided to believe throughout my life, and so many of those beliefs were keeping me stuck in a mindset of fear, lack, and pain. I DECIDED to re-evaluate my belief system, sift out the bullshit beliefs that weren’t even true, and replace them with thoughts of possibility, seeding the belief I knew I needed to have in myself.

That was 12 years ago. Since then I’ve been a student of self, learning everything I could about the power of my own energy, and helping others do the same.

I will be forever thankful to Jack Canfield for showing me the way to my independence through The Success Principles. I never did go back to that life, because the decision I made in that moment changed everything.

What beliefs are you holding on to that may not be serving you?

What if you DECIDED to change your life for the better?

You’re more powerful than you think you are.

I believe in you.

-Stephanie Kathan

Stephanie Kathan



Energy Alignment Specialist.  Speaker.  Talk Show Host.  Spiritual Maverick

Making her own journey from Despair to Aware, Stephanie Kathan has transformed from a homeless waitress with a misunderstood diagnosis to being an Internationally recognized Spiritual Maverick in the personal growth industry – and for the last decade has been creating ripples of Awareness with some of the finest minds in the world.


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As an Energy Alignment Specialist – Stephanie shares her gifts through private sessions with deliberate creators world wide who seek alignment with the fullest version of who they are – as well as offering vibrational support for creative minds in her EnergyWorksWITHMe Facebook Group.

CLICK HERE to join



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MindGrow Radio / Livestream Videos

As a Talk Show Host – Stephanie sits down with some of the coolest people on the planet for in depth and candid discussions about Life, Business and the journey to Success.

Feeling On Purpose Interviews with special guests: Barbara Stanny, Lisa Steadman, Starla Fortunato, Jeff Rivera, Bonnie Gayle, Robin Rice and more


Follow the MindGrowRadio Show Here >>>> CLICK HERE 

Subscribe to MindGrowRadio on YouTube >> CLICK HERE



Live Stream Videos – High Vibe Broadcasts 

 Morning Vibe – Daily video series

Start Your Day Feeling On Purpose

 Daily Broadcasts via FB LIVE every morning @  10am Eastern / 7am Pacific in the energyworkswithme facebook group



EnergyWorksWITHMe presents:

“An Evening With…” – Storyteller Series

Wednesdays @ 5pm Eastern / 2pm Pacific / 10pm UK

Each week a featured storyteller comes forth to sharing their hero’s journey.

Featured Storytellers Include: John Roberts, Lisa Steadman, Stephanie Kathan, Bobby Donohue, Gem Lou Reeves, And More…..





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As a Speaker – Stephanie inspires and motivates audiences online and off, with her powerful gift of storytelling – providing an empowering connection people can Feel.

#inspiration #motivation #positiveworkforcestrategies #empowerment 






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Stephanie is an internationally known energy alignment specialist and has been serving the personal growth industry since 2010 – helping clients around the globe to release resistance, Activate With Trust, Attract With Confidence & Allow With Grace, aligning personal power energy with divine potential through her energy sessions.



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When she’s not working with clients or hosting mindgrowing conversations;  Stephanie can be found road tripping around her home state of Vermont and sharing the gems she finds over on her  VisitVermontTV Travel Blog.



Contact Stephanie about:

Speaking – Booking An Energy Session – Being A Guest on the Show


Intense Energy-and how to survive it without losing your mind

If you’ve been feeling the intense energies lately (like me), you may find yourself feeling raw, irritated and a bit more than a little out of sync…

You’re not alone (even though it may feel like it)

Just Breathe.

It’s really easy to get caught up in the swirl of a negative moment, and let it ruin your whole day.  The good news is, it doesn’t have to be like that.rain-1013929_640

When you feel yourself reaching a tipping point (you always know it ahead of time)

Before you say the things you can’t take back, before you make a decision out of anger, before you throw that punch (even if they deserve it)

Give yourself a minute to just take a breath.

Remember that you’re not in this alone, and that your batting average for getting through the bullshit is 100%.  You’ve got this.

I’m here to remind you that whatever is bugging you in this moment, is only temporary.  Here’s a breathing process that will get you through the swirl and get you back on track.



Breathe In The Good

(when you look for it, you can find it everywhere)




wallpaper-756032_640Breathe Out What No Longer Serves You (imagine your breath in a color of your choosing, and as you breathe out, in your mind, see your breath leaving your body in a swirl of color)



Do this several times. Allow yourself to breathe on purpose for at least 90 seconds. As you do, you will begin to feel a shift almost immediately.

Embrace the better feeling vibration station that you’ve tuned into, and give yourself the relief you’ve been asking for. Give it a try. Let me know how it works for you.

If you’re interested in having access to more personal support, use the form below to schedule a free consultation.

Stephanie_Kathan-15937As an Energy Alignment Specialist, Stephanie shares her gifts with deliberate creators world wide, who seek alignment with the fullest version of who they are.

Click here to see what others are saying…


The Shame Game Has No Winners

I Hate it when _____ does _____. It’s So _____.
Do your conversations sound like this?


When you are judging, shaming, blaming, and condemning you are filling out a Universal Order Form asking for more of the same.
The good news is…  You can turn it around.

If you don’t like what your friends are posting, maybe you need some new friends or unfollow some old ones. You have the power to do that.

If their religion, politics, or marketing strategies are not to your liking, you are so powerful that you can unfriend them, hide them from your newsfeed, or if they really offend you, FB has made it possible for you to block them all together.
(you have so many solution options!)

OR you can just continue to gossip about them, shaming them with your opinions of how ineffective their tactics are and lower your own vibration in the process.
( you are so powerful you get to choose!)

We all do things differently, we all see things from our own unique perspective and making other people feel bad about themselves isn’t the way I roll.

So, with that said, if I offend you by being who I am, I offer you some of the suggestions above, and we can part ways in peace.

The thing is, what we each have to offer in the world isn’t for everybody.
Some people are going to get you, and some people aren’t, and it’s OKAY.

At the end of the day, the only opinion of you that matters, is the one you have of yourself. Keep shining your beautiful light in the world, however that works for you. Just be you in the process.

  • If you’re an entrepreneur, don’t let others shame you into not marketing your services. Don’t dim your light for anyone. Ever.
  • The world needs you, and there is someone out there looking for exactly what you have to offer, praying to come across a post just like yours!
Keep Being You.
– Stephanie

The Mindset Revolution

A Shift Is Happening.  Right Now.

Every day more and more people are waking up to a new level of awareness, shaking off old beliefs, stepping in to the light of a new idea, and traveling the journey of self discovery.

Mindset Shifting is an important and necessary part of this process.

Success is hard to achieve if you are in survival mode, and it’s almost impossible to tune in to the frequency of abundance if you’re in a mindset of “not enough”.

(this I know from experience)  The good news is, you don’t have to stay in that miserable mindset as long as I did!

You CAN shift your mindset, and on this free call, you’ll find out how.

The recording from our 5/11/2016 event is now available.

FOR REPLAY –Click Here 


Sign Up Below to join us for a LIVE ENCORE Call

Wednesday May 18th – 7pm (EST)

During this 90 Minute Mindset Training, you will discover:

The Four Major Mindset Shifts most people experience on the journey of deliberate creating, which ones you are most likely to get stuck in, AND how to get unstuck if it happens to you.

Seven Steps of Transformation – we’ll take an in depth look at the transformation process, and how you can make it work for you.

Four Ways To Embody The Energy Of Thriving – I’ll be sharing some of my favorite processes from my own personal growth tool box, that you can begin using right away to change your vibration station and tune in to the divine resources available to you.

There will also be Q&A and an opportunity for you to come on the line with energy _Fav C14A1145alignment specialist Stephanie Kathan and receive hands on help with tuning your vibration station to a frequency that serves you. Right there on the spot!

