Money – Mindset and Mentors

money mindset 1One of the biggest challenges we have when it comes to deliberate creating is shifting from a mindset of “lack” into a mindset of prosperity and abundance.



We are conditioned in our thinking to look toward the worst and possibly if you’re really lucky…. you can hope for the best.

This way of thinking does nothing for you except keep you stuck in a poverty consciousness.

While traveling my own journey of self discovery, delving in to my own divine power to create change in my life, one of the hardest things was getting past my fear about making money.  Sometimes the thought of it just freaked me out, mostly because what was active in my vibration was the “lack” of it,  adding more weight to the conditioned thinking I was still carrying around, telling me I wasn’t really good enough to be as successful as I wanted to be.  It was then, that I became aware of the teachings of Neville, and his life changing book “The Power of Awareness” (Highly Recommend)

“All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. The first step in the”renewing of the mind” is desire. You must want to be different [and intend to be] before you can begin to change yourself. Then you must make your future dream a present fact . You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. By desiring to be other than what you are, you can create an ideal of the person you want to be and
assume that you are already that person  If this assumption is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is inevitable. ”  -Neville Goddard   1905-1972

I had such a strong desire to transform, but no idea how to be successful in business, especially when I had so much fear around the thought of actually being able to attract the kind of clients I wanted to serve, and my worthiness when it came to making money sharing my gift.

I am truly blessed to have had the honor of learning from some great mentors, like Barbara Stanny,  Heather Dominick  and Lisa Steadman, each one showing up at exactly the right time with the right information, according to my own level of readiness, the Universe showing me time and time again that it was no accident.

When tuning in to their wisdom I was blown away by what I was learning, and the goosebumps I was feeling let me know it was the truth.

Suddenly I became aware that I had the power to do this!

(And so do YOU!)

 Heather Dominick new pic



“You do have the ability to breakthrough the fear that is holding you back, and you have everything within you right now in this moment to make it so”.

(Yeah… You’re That Powerful!)

Barbara Stanny 2Click here to tune into A Powerful Conversation with Stephanie Kathan and Best Selling Author Barbara Stanny from “The Journey Interviews”

Wayne Dyer shares that “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” and it is true in every area of your life including money.

You CAN create a Money Mindset that serves you, and you can begin today.

The great thing about having Mentors is that as you expand, so does the circle of great minds for you to tune in to.

My latest “Meaningful Mentorship” has been with Lisa Steadman who is teaching me how to bring the essence of who I have become, blend it with my brand messaging and shine, as I step out onto the world stage to share that message with those seeking what I have to offer.  It has been a Mindgrowing experience to say the least.

What I’ve learned from my Mentors has been life altering at many levels and it all started with an interview.  The best advice I ever got was when a wise man once said to me “Get A Mentor” and now I’m passing that advice on to you.

Find someone who is doing what you want to do and learn from them however you can.

lisasteadmanClick Here to Enjoy a powerful candid interview with Lisa Steadman when we took a deep dive into a heart to heart with this candid conversation “Breakups – Breakdowns and Breakthroughs”

 Money, Love & Life Flow From Monumental Moments……..   Create Yours Today.

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